IG: Just like we need food or water, humans need nature🌱. Enveloping ourselves in the rhythms and forms of nature can be transformative and healing. Ayurveda, the ancient healing tradition of India, recommends spending time in nature each day. Doing so allows us to experience the wonderment of this existence with all our senses. Nature allows us to shift our attention beyond the domain of our ego and to recognize that we are inextricably connected to the universe. • I know, this is hard AF in the freeeeeezing cold wintertime ❄️. But get some nature however you can. Bring nature indoors with some hearty house plants like snake plants, spider plants, golden pothos, jade or a rubber plant (all low maintenance and hard to kill 👌🏻) . Visit an indoor botanical garden like Allan Gardens Conservatory in Toronto and soak it in. Or bundle-up and go for a walk through a wooded trail. However you can, nurture your humanness with some plants

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Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

Functional Medicine Health Coach & Holistic Nutritionist at Health Upgraded
Laura Franklin is the owner of Fresh & Frank Wellness and curator of freshandfrank.com.
She is here to preach what she practices and help you to prepare amazing whole food meals from scratch, grow your own organic food and optimize your lifestyle and environment to promote the most vibrant, glowing and energetic you.
Laura is currently based in Dundas, Ontario, Canada but works remotely with people from all over the world!
Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

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