IG: It’s happening… one of my fave vegetables is coming to life in the garden🤩🥦. Grew these baddies from tiny seeds started back in March. Have you seen brassica seeds? They’re like, sesame seed size but round. Tiny AF. Crazy that those wee balls of life can turn into something like this. Actually amazes me every time and never gets old. May be one of the reasons I love gardening so much. Anyway, these guys get bigger each day and I’m so stoked to eat them. Side note: please pray that the deer don’t get them before I do 😭 I had an invader Wednesday night that ate all my green tomatoes, carrot tops, Swiss chard, a large head of romaine lettuce and my bean plants 😱. Stay safe little broccolis, you’re awesome

It’s happening… one of my fave vegetables is coming to life in the garden🤩🥦. Grew these baddies from tiny seeds started back in March.
Have you seen brassica seeds? They’re like, sesame seed size but round. Tiny AF.
Crazy that those wee balls of life can turn into something like this. Actually amazes me every time and never gets old. May be one of the reasons I love gardening so much.

Anyway, these guys get bigger each day and I’m so stoked to eat them.

Side note: please pray that the deer don’t get them before I do 😭
I had an invader Wednesday night that ate all my green tomatoes, carrot tops, Swiss chard, a large head of romaine lettuce and my bean plants 😱. Stay safe little broccolis, you’re awesome!

#organicgardening #raisedbedgardening #growingfood #growfood #raisedbed #organicfood #fromseed #gardentoplate #holistichealth

IG: So I post a lot about gardening… I know. But growing my own food is just one element of my decision to pursue lifelong health personally AND as a career. When my hands aren’t in the soil cultivating plant life, I’m on ZOOM calls with clients as a Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach cultivating optimal health. I coach and guide my clients one-on-one towards renewed health and high performance using the fundamentals of Functional Medicine… a modality that is near and dear to my heart. I decided to specialize in Functional Medicine because a few years ago, I was a patient of Functional medicine myself. When I found myself in the throws of mystery chronic illness that could not be diagnosed or resolved via conventional medicine or other nutritional and natural therapies, I just knew there was something that was being missed. Upon pursuing Functional Medicine, which looks for the deepest root cause of what’s going on in the body individually, we immediately found the causes of my health challenges and were able to efficiently and appropriately steer me towards a path of renewed optimal health. Within 8 months, my life had completely changed and I was operating at a completely different level of vitality. Functional Medicine changed my life with the gift of renewed health from which I operate as a wellness leader today. So. If you, or someone you love could use help finding some answers to your chronic health issues, or just want to operate at an even higher level of performance and/or vitality, I encourage you to look into Functional Medicine. If you want to chat more about what I do and how my colleague @drnavazhabib and I can support you at our practice @healthupgraded, DM me. If this information helps just one person find answers and better health as it did for me years ago, I will be thrilled

So I post a lot about gardening… I know. But growing my own food is just one element of my decision to pursue lifelong health personally AND as a career.

When my hands aren’t in the soil cultivating plant life, I’m on ZOOM calls with clients as a Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach cultivating optimal health.

I coach and guide my clients one-on-one towards renewed health and high performance using the fundamentals of Functional Medicine… a modality that is near and dear to my heart.

I decided to specialize in Functional Medicine because a few years ago, I was a patient of Functional medicine myself. When I found myself in the throws of mystery chronic illness that could not be diagnosed or resolved via conventional medicine or other nutritional and natural therapies, I just knew there was something that was being missed.

Upon pursuing Functional Medicine, which looks for the deepest root cause of what’s going on in the body individually, we immediately found the causes of my health challenges and were able to efficiently and appropriately steer me towards a path of renewed optimal health.
Within 8 months, my life had completely changed and I was operating at a completely different level of vitality. Functional Medicine changed my life with the gift of renewed health from which I operate as a wellness leader today.

So. If you, or someone you love could use help finding some answers to your chronic health issues, or just want to operate at an even higher level of performance and/or vitality, I encourage you to look into Functional Medicine.

If you want to chat more about what I do and how my colleague @drnavazhabib and I can support you at our practice @healthupgraded, DM me.

If this information helps just one person find answers and better health as it did for me years ago, I will be thrilled 💕 •

#functionalmedicine #functionalmedicinecoaching #holisticnutrition #healthupgraded #findinganswers #uogradinghealth #renewedhealth #healthiseverything

IG: Yes, kale makes me this happy. As does growing alllllllll of the food. I love that younger generations are becoming interested in gardening and farming again. It’s absolutely NOT a practice that should be reserved just for retirees. If we all grew a little food, I think we’d all be happier and healthier people. On that note, we need more community garden spaces so that everyone CAN grow their own food! Perhaps I’ll get to making that happen in the coming years 📸@saramonikaphoto

Yes, kale makes me this happy.

As does growing alllllllll of the food.

I love that younger generations are becoming interested in gardening and farming again. It’s absolutely NOT a practice that should be reserved just for retirees.
If we all grew a little food, I think we’d all be happier and healthier people.

On that note, we need more community garden spaces so that everyone CAN grow their own food! Perhaps I’ll get to making that happen in the coming years…

#gardeningmakesmehappy #growingfood #growfood #raisedbedgardening #holistichealth #functionalmedicine #mentalhealth #gardenforhealth #groworganicfood

IG: It’s my absolute favorite time of year, because all of this is in season, crazy fresh and bursting with flavor 😍😍😍 What fresh produce are you loving eating right now? #😍

It’s my absolute favorite time of year, because all of this is in season, crazy fresh and bursting with flavor 😍😍😍 What fresh produce are you loving eating right now?! 🍓🥬🥕🌶

#saladseason #ontariofresh #organicfood #localfood #growyourownfood #saladlife #lunch #delicious #inseasonproduce #somuchflavor #😍

IG: There’s such a huge shift taking place in the world right now… Hope you’re all doing what you need to do to be well/stay grounded/contribute constructively & positively (this looks different for each person)✌🏼 Sending love out from the garden with the pup by my side! 🌱🌸🌱🌻🌱 • • • • #2020 📸@saramonikaphoto

There’s such a huge shift taking place in the world right now…
Hope you’re all doing what you need to do to be well/stay grounded/contribute constructively & positively (this looks different for each person)✌🏼
Sending love out from the garden with the pup by my side! 🌱🌸🌱🌻🌱

#2020 #universalconsciousness #bigshifts #bewell #showlove #contributeconstructively #takecareofyourself #takecareofoneanother #shifts #love 📸@saramonikaphoto

IG: I’ve filled the maximum space in all my beds. Now I just need more beds 😆 Gardening is like that. Once you get hooked, you just want more and more! This year’s new additions are dahlias, snow peas and radishes. I’ve also been growing a ton of flowers from seed since March (which I don’t talk about as often) and I’ve placed them around our yard to attract the pollinators 📸@saramonikaphoto

I’ve filled the maximum space in all my beds. Now I just need more beds 😆

Gardening is like that. Once you get hooked, you just want more and more!

This year’s new additions are dahlias, snow peas and radishes. I’ve also been growing a ton of flowers from seed since March (which I don’t talk about as often) and I’ve placed them around our yard to attract the pollinators! 🐝🦋🐞

#raisedbedgardening #gardener #holisticnutritionist #growingrealfood #growyourfood #freshfood #organicgardening #raisedbed #gardeningwithlaura

IG: It’s that salady time of year and I’m enjoying incorporating some of my early homegrown greens into my creations. I like switching up my proteins so I’ve added wild caught Argentinian shrimp to this one for a seafood twist. Are you feeling pulled toward fresh green salads lately too? How do you keep them interesting?

It’s that salady time of year and I’m enjoying incorporating some of my early homegrown greens into my creations.

I like switching up my proteins so I’ve added wild caught Argentinian shrimp to this one for a seafood twist.

Are you feeling pulled toward fresh green salads lately too? How do you keep them interesting?

#salad #nomnomnom #deliciousfoodathome #organiceats #bigsalad #saladtime #freshandfrank #homegrownveggies