DIY All Natural Dry Shampoo

Spoon with Cornstarch

Here’s a fact about me… ready?
I only wash my hair a couple of times a week.

Personally, I find that it’s way more manageable when I don’t wash it every day, and from a time-management standpoint, long hair just takes too long to wash, dry and style daily.
So, dry shampoo is great. It can be really awesomely helpful when you’re nearing the “time to wash my hair” day, and especially if you want to live on the edge like me and push it to an extra day (or two… gross? naaahhhh). It also adds some extra body to fine hair like mine.
The bad news about most dry shampoo, like the aerosol stuff you buy at the drugstore, is that it is full of really nasty, toxic chemicals that I can’t actually pronounce but intuitively know are killing me slowly.

Solution? I make my own for CHEAP, with a few simple, EDIBLE ingredients that you likely already have lying around your kitchen. And it works WONDERS!

Check out my recipe below for a clean, DIY, dry shampoo that will leave your hair oil-free and smelling like delicious baked goods. Win-win, I’d say.


DIY All Natural Dry Shampoo:


250 mL Mini Mason Jar for dry shampoo

A mini mason jar is a great container.

Kabuki / Blush Brush for dry shampoo

A kabuki or old blush brush, is great for application.

  • 1 mini mason jar OR 1 old powder container
  • 1 old blush brush or kabuki brush for application
  • For Blondes:
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (preferably organic)
  • For Brunettes:
  • 2 tablespoons arrowroot/cornstarch + 1 tablespoon cocoa/cacao powder
Box of Corn Starch for dry shampoo

Scour your kitchen cupboards for cornstarch or arrowroot flour…

  • Optional: 5 drops of essential oil of choice (I use vanilla– this stuff makes my head smell like cookies)*FYI I have just been using organic cornstarch + cacao powder, as I didn’t have any arrowroot powder when I decided to make this.




  1. Put the drops of essential oil into the arrowroot/cornstarch/cocoa and mix with a spoon. Store the mix in your small jar or old powder container.
  2. Use an old blush brush to apply the powder to the roots or any oily parts of your hair.

This stuff really works like a charm and smells amazing!

If you enjoyed this, check out this quick and easy detoxifying face mask recipe by guest beauty blogger Mary Elle. And be sure to follow along on Instagram @laurafranklin! xx


Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

Functional Medicine Health Coach & Holistic Nutritionist at Health Upgraded
Laura Franklin is the owner of Fresh & Frank Wellness and curator of
She is here to preach what she practices and help you to prepare amazing whole food meals from scratch, grow your own organic food and optimize your lifestyle and environment to promote the most vibrant, glowing and energetic you.
Laura is currently based in Dundas, Ontario, Canada but works remotely with people from all over the world!
Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

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