IG: I’ve filled the maximum space in all my beds. Now I just need more beds 😆 Gardening is like that. Once you get hooked, you just want more and more! This year’s new additions are dahlias, snow peas and radishes. I’ve also been growing a ton of flowers from seed since March (which I don’t talk about as often) and I’ve placed them around our yard to attract the pollinators 📸@saramonikaphoto

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Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

Functional Medicine Health Coach & Holistic Nutritionist at Health Upgraded
Laura Franklin is the owner of Fresh & Frank Wellness and curator of freshandfrank.com.
She is here to preach what she practices and help you to prepare amazing whole food meals from scratch, grow your own organic food and optimize your lifestyle and environment to promote the most vibrant, glowing and energetic you.
Laura is currently based in Dundas, Ontario, Canada but works remotely with people from all over the world!
Laura Franklin, CNP, FMCHC

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