IG: Stress…Stressors…Physical, biochemical, emotional… there are soo many we are faced with on the daily, and regardless of what they may be, our bodies still react as if we’re being chased by a velociraptor (as seen here) It’s no joke that stressors, which amount to STRESS upon the body, wreak havoc on our health. Even the word STRESS makes me feel stressed. So what are some baseline things we can do to lessen our daily load? 1. Eat primarily organic, whole, unprocessed foods and limit or avoid gluten (ok no one wants to hear this but the latest research shows that the human body views gluten as a PATHOGEN, aka foreign attacker, regardless of whether you are diagnosed celiac or gluten-sensitive) 2. Prioritize sleep like it’s your job. Sleeping is the most underrated health-promoting act. 3. Move your body daily. Wanna add in some weight bearing exercises? Great. But even just moving your body as much as possible will do you a LOT of good. Walk as much as you can. 4. PLAY. Do you play? This is another element of health and an anti-stress practice that we often overlook. Play is different to each person based on what you like, so this is one you’ll have to figure out yourself, but a little play can go a long way. 5. Talk to someone. A friend, a family member, someone you trust. But be honest and open. We all feel and don’t talk about it enough. Acknowledge your emotions, validate them, share them, and then let them go. Don’t hold them in and stomp them down into dirty little feeling balls like so many of us do. Then hug, that’s key. If you do these 5 things, I guarantee you’ll reduce your biochemical, physical and emotional stress load and be a happier, healthier human. Tell me, what habits or practices help you reduce stress?

Stress…Stressors…Physical, biochemical, emotional… there are soo many we are faced with on the daily, and regardless of what they may be, our bodies still react as if we’re being chased by a velociraptor (as seen here)

It’s no joke that stressors, which amount to STRESS upon the body, wreak havoc on our health.

Even the word STRESS makes me feel stressed.

So what are some baseline things we can do to lessen our daily load?

1. Eat primarily organic, whole, unprocessed foods and limit or avoid gluten (ok no one wants to hear this but the latest research shows that the human body views gluten as a PATHOGEN, aka foreign attacker, regardless of whether you are diagnosed celiac or gluten-sensitive)

2. Prioritize sleep like it’s your job. Sleeping is the most underrated health-promoting act.

3. Move your body daily. Wanna add in some weight bearing exercises? Great. But even just moving your body as much as possible will do you a LOT of good. Walk as much as you can.

4. PLAY. Do you play? This is another element of health and an anti-stress practice that we often overlook. Play is different to each person based on what you like, so this is one you’ll have to figure out yourself, but a little play can go a long way.

5. Talk to someone. A friend, a family member, someone you trust. But be honest and open. We all feel and don’t talk about it enough. Acknowledge your emotions, validate them, share them, and then let them go. Don’t hold them in and stomp them down into dirty little feeling balls like so many of us do. Then hug, that’s key.

If you do these 5 things, I guarantee you’ll reduce your biochemical, physical and emotional stress load and be a happier, healthier human.

Tell me, what habits or practices help you reduce stress? •

#stress #functionalmedicine #holisticnutrition #stressreduction #destress #chill #heal #health #wellness #healthcoach #feelbetter

IG: I’m officially over winter, you guys🙅🏻‍♀️ I probably say this every February, so this comes as no surprise. I have a certain level of tolerance and patience for the cold and grey. But by this point in the year I’m done and ready for colour and warmth to come back into my life. Two years ago I skipped winter entirely. Last year I skipped the entire month of February☀️🌴. This year, I don’t think we’re getting away until the end of April😫 So now comes the strategies for coping with winter. Surrounding myself with plants helps. Making my house colorful helps. Blasting my fireplace helps. Managing my default to pound sugar for comfort helps. UV therapy once a week helps, a lot, especially with my genetic inability to maintain adequate Vitamin D levels. I’ve gotten back into painting and they’re hella colourful, that helps. Prioritizing sleep helps. Forcing myself to get outside helps. Maintaining my routine helps. Cooking and eating warming and colourful food helps, like this veggie stew, though my motivation to do so is definitely lower right now. But I’ll power through as best as possible and keep doing my best to fill my body with good things, knowing that spring is not THAT far away🙏🏼. Tell me, if you live in a northern climate, how do you rock the long periods of cold and grey?

I’m officially over winter, you guys🙅🏻‍♀️ I probably say this every February, so this comes as no surprise. I have a certain level of tolerance and patience for the cold and grey.

But by this point in the year I’m done and ready for colour and warmth to come back into my life.

Two years ago I skipped winter entirely. Last year I skipped the entire month of February☀️🌴. This year, I don’t think we’re getting away until the end of April😫

So now comes the strategies for coping with winter.

Surrounding myself with plants helps.
Making my house colorful helps.
Blasting my fireplace helps.
Managing my default to pound sugar for comfort helps.
UV therapy once a week helps, a lot, especially with my genetic inability to maintain adequate Vitamin D levels.
I’ve gotten back into painting and they’re hella colourful, that helps.
Prioritizing sleep helps.
Forcing myself to get outside helps. Maintaining my routine helps.

Cooking and eating warming and colourful food helps, like this veggie stew, though my motivation to do so is definitely lower right now.

But I’ll power through as best as possible and keep doing my best to fill my body with good things, knowing that spring is not THAT far away🙏🏼. Tell me, if you live in a northern climate, how do you rock the long periods of cold and grey?

#warmingfoods #holistichealth #winterrant #needsunshine #needcolor #hibernation #routine #patience #wellness

IG: Setting yourself up for success has a lot to do with being prepared 🔪 🥗. Want to change a particular habit? Make the change easier to implement by taking a bit of time to think ahead. If it has to do with making better food choices, make sure you have the right food easily accessible, and the wrong food inaccessible. (Because unless you have the will power of a superhuman, if it’s in the house most of us tend to eat it, and if it’s not, we won’t. So ditch it!). Schedules and obligations can get the best of us and eat up our time, and often this means the food we put into our bodies is an afterthought. This is a huge womp womp ☹️ because that food is our fuel, and when it’s approached as an afterthought it’s usually not high octane. Many of my clients find food prepping 1-2 days a week very helpful in keeping them on track to meet their goals. It’s a great way to vary your diet, as well, and make sure you’re getting in an optimal array of colour and nutrients. Working with a nutritionist and / or health coach is a great way to ensure you have everything you need to succeed when starting a new or unfamiliar habit or routine, get that preparation skill down pat, and also, we’re that outside accountability that so many of us need to succeed. Do you food prep? How do you make sure your food isn’t an afterthought?

Setting yourself up for success has a lot to do with being prepared 🔪 🥗. Want to change a particular habit? Make the change easier to implement by taking a bit of time to think ahead.

If it has to do with making better food choices, make sure you have the right food easily accessible, and the wrong food inaccessible. (Because unless you have the will power of a superhuman, if it’s in the house most of us tend to eat it, and if it’s not, we won’t. So ditch it!). Schedules and obligations can get the best of us and eat up our time, and often this means the food we put into our bodies is an afterthought.

This is a huge womp womp ☹️ because that food is our fuel, and when it’s approached as an afterthought it’s usually not high octane.

Many of my clients find food prepping 1-2 days a week very helpful in keeping them on track to meet their goals. It’s a great way to vary your diet, as well, and make sure you’re getting in an optimal array of colour and nutrients.

Working with a nutritionist and / or health coach is a great way to ensure you have everything you need to succeed when starting a new or unfamiliar habit or routine, get that preparation skill down pat, and also, we’re that outside accountability that so many of us need to succeed.

Do you food prep? How do you make sure your food isn’t an afterthought? •

#foodforthought #holisticnutrition #realfood #foodprep #setupforsuccess #holisticnutritionist #functionalmedicine #functionalmedicinehealthcoach #healthcoaching #crushinggoals #accountability

IG: Do you have a fave nook or corner of your living space? This is probably mine. I’ve had a different combo of 3 large plants here over the last year as I often switch things up and move stuff around, but each time this remains my favorite little corner and makes me happy and calm every time I go by. Plants give off such good vibes

Do you have a fave nook or corner of your living space?
This is probably mine.
I’ve had a different combo of 3 large plants here over the last year as I often switch things up and move stuff around, but each time this remains my favorite little corner and makes me happy and calm every time I go by.
Plants give off such good vibes✨.

#home #livingspace #houseplants #decorating #decor #homejoy #goodfeels

IG: Let’s talk about sunshine for a second. We neeeeed it for optimal health. Yet we’ve been taught to fear it or avoid it🙃. WTF. Of course, the sun is important because it offers us vit D, and is the major source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects throughout the body. [Vit D, which actually acts more like a hormone than a vitamin, allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system, helps prevent cancer, is important for brain function and soo much more.] There’s even more to it though. The human eye contains photosensitive cells with connections directly to the pituitary gland in the brain. Stimulation of these important cells comes from sunlight, in particular, the blue unseen spectrum. Studies show these photoreceptors play a vital role in human physiology and overall health. The effects are not only in the brain, but the WHOLE BODY. Photosensitive cells in the eye also directly affect the brain’s hypothalamus region, which controls our biological clock. This influences our circadian rhythm, not just important for jet lag but for normal sleep patterns, hormone regulation, increased reaction time, and behavior. Most cells in the body have an important cyclic pattern when working optimally, so potentially, just about any area of the body can falter without adequate sun stimulation. Summary: sunshine benefits our ENTIRE body in huge ways. We need it. Get it in. SO, what can you do, especially in Canadian winters where it’s cold and not very sunny most days? Expose your uncovered eyes to morning sunlight for at least a few minutes each day, even on cloudy days. Bonus, go OUTSIDE for this. At a minimum, you should be exposing your face to sunlight (or towards the direction of the sun) for a few minutes every morning and also during the day, if you can. Scored a sunny day? Make it a PRIORITY to get that sun in your eyes and on your face. Prioritize this like you would any other healthy practice. Then during warmer times of the year, expose as much of your body to it as possible. Do it. Seriously. You’ll thank me

Let’s talk about sunshine for a second.
We neeeeed it for optimal health.
Yet we’ve been taught to fear it or avoid it🙃. WTF.

Of course, the sun is important because it offers us vit D, and is the major source of this important nutrient that has powerful effects throughout the body.
[Vit D, which actually acts more like a hormone than a vitamin, allows us to more effectively use calcium, improves the immune system, helps prevent cancer, is important for brain function and soo much more.] There’s even more to it though.

The human eye contains photosensitive cells with connections directly to the pituitary gland in the brain. Stimulation of these important cells comes from sunlight, in particular, the blue unseen spectrum. Studies show these photoreceptors play a vital role in human physiology and overall health. The effects are not only in the brain, but the WHOLE BODY.

Photosensitive cells in the eye also directly affect the brain’s hypothalamus region, which controls our biological clock. This influences our circadian rhythm, not just important for jet lag but for normal sleep patterns, hormone regulation, increased reaction time, and behavior. Most cells in the body have an important cyclic pattern when working optimally, so potentially, just about any area of the body can falter without adequate sun stimulation.

Summary: sunshine benefits our ENTIRE body in huge ways. We need it. Get it in.

SO, what can you do, especially in Canadian winters where it’s cold and not very sunny most days?

Expose your uncovered eyes to morning sunlight for at least a few minutes each day, even on cloudy days. Bonus, go OUTSIDE for this.
At a minimum, you should be exposing your face to sunlight (or towards the direction of the sun) for a few minutes every morning and also during the day, if you can.

Scored a sunny day? Make it a PRIORITY to get that sun in your eyes and on your face. Prioritize this like you would any other healthy practice.

Then during warmer times of the year, expose as much of your body to it as possible.

Do it. Seriously. You’ll thank me. •

#sunshinePSA #vitaminD #sunexposure #sunlighttherapy #circadiumrhythm #goodsleep #besthealth #FMCHC

IG: Kale “Caesar” with bacon? Yes please! Funny story, people assume I am vegan or vegetarian A LOT. Like a lot. I’m not totally sure why, but I think there’s a natural tendency to associate someone in the health and nutrition space with a 100% plant-based diet. Just an assumptive trend I’ve personally witnessed. And I find it interesting for sure, as it definitely says a lot about the nutrition myths and all the confusion that exists out there. While vegetables are at the crux of my meals, I thrive on including high quality animal protein in my diet and actually don’t do well on beans or legumes. Alongside that, I employ daily intermittent fasting (I eat 2 meals / day), and stick to a 100% gluten-free diet. After much experimentation, this is what I have found works best for me, at this time and place in my life, and is based on a multitude of factors including reading the latest research, diagnostic testing of my gut, my unique genetic DNA profile, AND listening to my own body (all very important). As a professional in the health and diet space, I tell my clients that there is no “one size fits all” way of eating. There isn’t. There are general guidelines that are beneficial to most, but we all have to do some experimenting to see what works for us and what doesn’t. And hey, the body is a VERY complicated system and there’s a LOT we still don’t even know, so it’s important to remain open about these things. (Have you seen @joerogan thriving on The Carnivore Diet recently?) Anyway, wasn’t expecting this kale salad to take me down this rabbit hole but sometimes it just happens 😆 What factors do you use to decide what goes into your mouth?

Kale “Caesar” with bacon? Yes please!

Funny story, people assume I am vegan or vegetarian A LOT. Like a lot.

I’m not totally sure why, but I think there’s a natural tendency to associate someone in the health and nutrition space with a 100% plant-based diet. Just an assumptive trend I’ve personally witnessed. And I find it interesting for sure, as it definitely says a lot about the nutrition myths and all the confusion that exists out there.

While vegetables are at the crux of my meals, I thrive on including high quality animal protein in my diet and actually don’t do well on beans or legumes. Alongside that, I employ daily intermittent fasting (I eat 2 meals / day), and stick to a 100% gluten-free diet. After much experimentation, this is what I have found works best for me, at this time and place in my life, and is based on a multitude of factors including reading the latest research, diagnostic testing of my gut, my unique genetic DNA profile, AND listening to my own body (all very important). As a professional in the health and diet space, I tell my clients that there is no “one size fits all” way of eating. There isn’t. There are general guidelines that are beneficial to most, but we all have to do some experimenting to see what works for us and what doesn’t.

And hey, the body is a VERY complicated system and there’s a LOT we still don’t even know, so it’s important to remain open about these things. (Have you seen @joerogan thriving on The Carnivore Diet recently?) Anyway, wasn’t expecting this kale salad to take me down this rabbit hole but sometimes it just happens 😆

What factors do you use to decide what goes into your mouth?

IG: I could probably invest in a pair of newer, more stylish blue light blocking glasses, but these baddies work real well 😎😆. Blocking out the blue light from screens at night (phones, computers, tablets, TVs and even LED lights) is a great way to get better sleeps. What tools or practices do you use to help optimize your sleep?

I could probably invest in a pair of newer, more stylish blue light blocking glasses, but these baddies work real well 😎😆.
Blocking out the blue light from screens at night (phones, computers, tablets, TVs and even LED lights) is a great way to get better sleeps.

What tools or practices do you use to help optimize your sleep?

#healthylifestyle #holisticnutritionist #healthcoach #healthhacks #mitochondrialhealth #BDNF #functionalmedicine #functionalmedicinehealthcoach

IG: I LOVE pops of colour and pops of metallics. And textures. Mmmm. That’s my style. So this beautiful croton in a textured copper pot just brings me so much joy every time I look at it. It’s also, not coincidentally, placed in one of the rooms that we spend the most time in (in our weeeee, cozy, awesome, open concept home that’s kinda like a large ground-floor apartment). Surround yourself with what you love. And truly, if you don’t love it, move it on! Bonus points for if it makes your space healthier somehow, like cleaning the air

I LOVE pops of colour and pops of metallics. And textures. Mmmm.
That’s my style.
So this beautiful croton in a textured copper pot just brings me so much joy every time I look at it.
It’s also, not coincidentally, placed in one of the rooms that we spend the most time in (in our weeeee, cozy, awesome, open concept home that’s kinda like a large ground-floor apartment).
Surround yourself with what you love.
And truly, if you don’t love it, move it on!

Bonus points for if it makes your space healthier somehow, like cleaning the air!

#wellspace #houseplants #joy #curatedjoy #doYOU #holistichealth #enjoy #bewell #holisticnutrition #envionmentalwellness #feelgood

IG: Our baby @truffletheblacklab turns one today 🤗 and it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect upon how pets can positively impact your wellbeing! This girl has helped us be happier, healthier humans by allowing us to practice our patience and nurturing skills, by instilling a solid routine into our lives, by getting us outside and in nature even more, by giving us so much comfort and unconditional love, by making us laugh and smile constantly, and my reminding us to enjoy and live in the moment. I must say, puppies are excellent practice for babies and she’s helped us become more prepared and responsible, and solid team-workers for when that time comes. It may sound kind of nuts if you don’t have a dog and haven’t experienced this, but truly, having a dog has enhanced my life and made me a happier, healthier person, physically, psychologically and spiritually… they touch your soul🥺 Happy birthday @truffletheblacklab, you’ve been such a blessing in our lives, we love you so much, and we can’t imagine life without your sweet little goofy face! P.s. your kisses are the best

Our baby @truffletheblacklab turns one today 🤗 and it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect upon how pets can positively impact your wellbeing!
This girl has helped us be happier, healthier humans by allowing us to practice our patience and nurturing skills, by instilling a solid routine into our lives, by getting us outside and in nature even more, by giving us so much comfort and unconditional love, by making us laugh and smile constantly, and my reminding us to enjoy and live in the moment.

I must say, puppies are excellent practice for babies and she’s helped us become more prepared and responsible, and solid team-workers for when that time comes.

It may sound kind of nuts if you don’t have a dog and haven’t experienced this, but truly, having a dog has enhanced my life and made me a happier, healthier person, physically, psychologically and spiritually… they touch your soul🥺

Happy birthday @truffletheblacklab, you’ve been such a blessing in our lives, we love you so much, and we can’t imagine life without your sweet little goofy face!

P.s. your kisses are the best!

#happybirthday #firstbirthday #truffletheblacklab #puppyisonetoday #blacklablove #lovemydog #changedourlife #somuchlove #blessed #bestfriendsforlife #lessonsfromadog #blacklab_squad #labradorretreiver #cooperslanekennels #love

IG: BDNF: what is it, why do I want more, and how can I get more? ⁠🧠 ⁠ So my latest health nerding deep dive has been into my own GENOMICS and I am HOOKED. Ho-lee-cow people, this stuff is interesting.⁠ ⁠ I recently received my results of @thednaco ‘s Comprehensive Clinical Profile and have been BLOWN AWAY by the information about my genomics I received.⁠ It has has explained so much about my body, health and even my personality, and in such, what I can do to optimize it.⁠ ⁠ So BDNF: one of my weak areas is the BDNF gene, in which my particular genotype is associated with suboptimal production and levels.⁠ ⁠ Womp, womp ☹️, because we really want solid levels of BDNF. ⁠ ⁠ BDNF (aka brain-derived neurotrophic factor), is a protein that protects neurons and plays a role in creating new ones (neurons are cells within the nervous system that transmit info to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells). ⁠ BDNF essentially acts like a growth hormone for neurons and is vital for thinking, learning, and a higher level of brain function. Plus, it turns out that levels of BDNF are lower in those with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, so increasing one’s levels of BDNF is a first line of defence against these neurological diseases. ⁠ ⁠ But the good news is that we take steps to increase our BDNF (essentially activating the gene that turns on BDNF) by:⁠ •caloric restriction⁠ •curcumin (think TURMERIC, and add that shit to everything)⁠ •DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid⁠ •intermittent fasting⁠ •exercise⁠ •intellectual stimulation⁠ •meditation⁠ •being in a state of ketosis⁠ ⁠ The more of these things you can do / add to your daily life, the better chance you have of having more BDNF and thus better brain function and disease prevention. ⁠ ⁠ Cool, right?⁠ ⁠ Now wondering what the heck this photo is of?⁠ It’s bone broth cauliflower soup that I’ve stacked with turmeric for my daily dose of curcumin. Which of these BDNF boosters will YOU try?

BDNF: what is it, why do I want more, and how can I get more? ⁠🧠

So my latest health nerding deep dive has been into my own GENOMICS and I am HOOKED. Ho-lee-cow people, this stuff is interesting.⁠

I recently received my results of @thednaco ‘s Comprehensive Clinical Profile and have been BLOWN AWAY by the information about my genomics I received.⁠
It has has explained so much about my body, health and even my personality, and in such, what I can do to optimize it.⁠

one of my weak areas is the BDNF gene, in which my particular genotype is associated with suboptimal production and levels.⁠

Womp, womp ☹️, because we really want solid levels of BDNF. ⁠

BDNF (aka brain-derived neurotrophic factor), is a protein that protects neurons and plays a role in creating new ones (neurons are cells within the nervous system that transmit info to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells). ⁠
BDNF essentially acts like a growth hormone for neurons and is vital for thinking, learning, and a higher level of brain function. Plus, it turns out that levels of BDNF are lower in those with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, so increasing one’s levels of BDNF is a first line of defence against these neurological diseases. ⁠

But the good news is that we take steps to increase our BDNF (essentially activating the gene that turns on BDNF) by:⁠
•caloric restriction⁠
•curcumin (think TURMERIC, and add that shit to everything)⁠
•DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid⁠
•intermittent fasting⁠
•intellectual stimulation⁠
•being in a state of ketosis⁠

The more of these things you can do / add to your daily life, the better chance you have of having more BDNF and thus better brain function and disease prevention. ⁠

Cool, right?⁠

Now wondering what the heck this photo is of?⁠
It’s bone broth cauliflower soup that I’ve stacked with turmeric for my daily dose of curcumin 🤤. #medicinalfoods.

Which of these BDNF boosters will YOU try?

#BDNF #genomics #functionalwellness #DNA #healthandscience #wellness #holistichealth #thednacompany #gettested #fasting #ketosis #turmeric #exercise