Sooooooon, you guys🥦🥕🌶🥒🍅🥬!! If ever there was time to start growing your own food, that time is NOW.
My suggestion? Start small.
The first time I started growing food (6 or 7 years ago, maybe?), I grew a few greens in some deck railing boxes in Toronto.
Of course, I quickly and exponentially expanded over the years as I became completely captivated by growing food and learned so much along the way (still constantly learning and growing, food & myself).
But what I’m saying is, just start.
Start with one tomato plant on your balcony. Start with one lettuce plant under a grow light inside. Use tote bins in your backyard so you don’t have to build garden beds.
Just START, so you can start the learning process! Take that leap. (I knew VERY little when I started, but I knew I wanted to learn more, and that’s all you need). I guarantee most of you that begin will want to continue and expand. Gardening is crazy rewarding. And hey, some attempts might not work out. Especially if you’re like me and often do first, ask later (then learn lots from the mistakes moving forward).
But the learning process is so valuable.
So, start somewhere!
[and if you really need my help getting started, I do offer ZOOM garden consults—you wouldn’t be the only one to hit me up]
So, what are you going to grow this year?
#growfood #organicfood #growyourownfood #raisedbedgardening #eattherainbow #startgrowing #growingfood #connecttofood #gardener #inspo #gardeninspo